How Ryedale lost HALF A MILLION pounds - 6th August 2008

You may have seen the headline story in this week’s gazette, in which Councillor Keith Knaggs, the Leader of RDC, is reported to have criticised me for “significantly influencing” the local plans inspector against approving the Council’s Core Strategy, and blaming me for the loss by the Council of £500K government grant.

The purpose of this note is to set the record straight. The facts are as follows:

  1. The Examination in Public to which Councillor Knaggs refers took place in July (one week) and November (one day) 2006. The purpose of this enquiry was to assess Ryedale's "Core Strategy" for its Local Development Freamework (ie what used to be called the "Local Plan");
  2. At that enquiry, I objected to the plan on behalf of Habton PC, because Habton wants 16 houses on a local site within the village.
  3. I was not the only objector. One of the other objectors was a planning expert employed by Carter Jonas, a leading property firm, who had been instructed by six local landed estates, which also opposed the Council’s Core Policy, as if brought into effect, it would have severely prejudiced their interests. Carter Jonas are experts in their field and did a very good demolition job.
  4. The Council’s case was not helped when, ten minutes before the November hearing, they produced figures which had not previously been seen or approved by the Council or any Council committee. These figures included a requirement for Malton/Norton  to accept 50% of all new housing development in the next 15 years (1,750 houses).
  5. The inspector decided the Core Strategy was unsound, and his decision letter was reported to the Council very early in 2007.
  6. In July 2007, the Council did a second consultation on the Core Strategy. This put forward only limited options, none of which were for Malton/Norton to receive less than 50% of all new housing over the plan period. Malton and Norton Town Councils asked the Council to consult on another option which would require them to take no more than 30% of new houses.
  7. Between July 2007 and last month, little progress has been made that I am aware of – save the appointment of new staff and a decision to engage consultants.
  8. I understand that the Council has lost about £500,000 of "planning delivery grant" because of dissatisfaction at government level with Ryedale's progress in regard to producing its LDF "Core Strategy"
  9. In the circumstances, it would appear that I am being criticised for  exercising my legal right over  two years ago to object against something which my local parish Council and the Town Council of my ward disagree with.



The following documents are recorded under the "News and Views" tab, and state the views of Paul Andrews and Habton PC on the Core Strategy of the LDF. Please click on the list for a direct link to the document, and see if you agree with the views stated:

2006 Response of PA to Council's consultation on draft Core Strategy of LDF

5th July 2006 Written Representations of PA on the Care Strategy for the Examination in Public

20th August 2007 Written Representations of Habton PC on Revised Draft Core Strategy

20th August 2007 Written Representations of PA on the Revised Draft Core Strategy


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